Control your business in an organized manner. Tetra provides cloud-based collaboration solution using Nextcloud. Nextcloud is an open-source file hosting application that permits users to make their own cloud storage network using their own servers or personal computers.


Benefits of Cloud-based collaborative solution

1. Improved Organization: With documents kept in a central, cloud-accessible location, employees can work on a document without having to send an updated version (not to say trying to stay track of the newest version) to the required team members.

2. Higher Participation Levels: Allowing access to projects can result in higher levels of employee participation. With cloud collaboration, all team members have an equal opportunity to produce input, and it may be done from wherever any place, at any time.

3. Improved Access to Large Files: Most email servers cannot handle documents larger than a couple of MB. Cloud computing solutions have the answer to large audio or video files that email servers can’t accommodate.

4. Real-Time Updates: Teams can work on projects without having to be within the same room or maybe the country. Edits and updates appear in real-time and may be accessed by everyone.

5. Better Brainstorming: The cloud can become a brainstorming forum, allowing ideas to be shared and productive conversations to take place. The cloud is a perfect medium to facilitate better communication between staff and project managers, various team members and other collaborators.


Features of Nextcloud

·       Nextcloud is compatible with Windows, macOS, as well as various Linux distributions, making it a flexible solution for users with a range of devices being used in their cloud storage network.

·       Nextcloud is customizable with plugins that provide additional features and functionality.

·       Nextcloud allows users to come up with public URLs for file sharing purposes, bypassing the requirement for using FTP or other file transfer methods.

·       Files in Nextcloud are shared via WebDAV and encrypted during the transit, making it a secure and efficient file sharing platform.

·       The software is intended to integrate with database management systems like MySQL and Oracle Database, adding a further layer of data management to the cloud storage network.


What’s new in Nextcloud 20?

·       The Activity view allows users to pick out if they want an email or push notification for events.

·       Notifications and Activities were merged, so users don't miss anything important.

·       The Mail app now offers threading and various mailbox management features like the flexibility to create, rename, and delete mailboxes also adding sub mailboxes.

·       The Calendar app now includes an inventory view for calendars.

·       Deck boards within the Calendar app can now be exposed as a calendar.

·       It's now possible to link to local files within the Text app.

·       The Files app allows users to feature a description to public link shares.

·       Talk now has Dashboard integration and search.